Aspire House is hosting its yearly Earth Day Clean Up in Frank Young Park on Monday, April 22nd. Serve the Northwest Landing Community, and give back to the planet! Bring your friends and family, or invite your coworkers to serve alongside you.
You can choose from two shifts: 9 AM—12 PM or 12 PM—3 PM. Groups will help prepare our gardens for summer by planting, weeding, painting, and raking. Others will pick up trash and beautify Frank Young Park. We will also have groups helping clean up the four neighboring alleyways as part of the Blight to Light project, which was funded through the city of Indianapolis.
Contact Nora Ruotolo ( or register here if you are interested.
A core space to live and create. connect
Nora Ruotolo,
Aspire House Indy
1002 Udell St.
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Phone: 513-344-3630
Aspire Higher Foundation 501©3