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Earth Day Happenings!

Evelyn Blunt

Tim and Sharon Clark of Aspirehouse Indy had an idea that led to a collaborative project for Earth Day. Together with residents, schools, and community partners, they transformed an empty lot on Radar St. into something more beautiful and valuable. Making the transformation inviting for our seniors, shut-in due to Covid-19.

The work started with the placement of a mural-faced shed. Flower boxes of all sizes soon accompanied creating a peaceful, colorful spot to relax in. The work was an all-day effort and even needed a second day of labor to ensure completion. The results were beyond measure, and they are still looking to install a fire pit and walking lanes between the beds. All of this was accomplished with help from Groundworks Indy, Indy Shakes, Butler University, Flanner House, DipIn, and the residents of the NW Landings Neighborhood Association.

Currently, we are looking for local sculptors in metal or whatever type of recyclable materials that can be recreated to make a centerpiece for this location. If you or someone you know fits that bill, please don't hesitate to contact me at, for a conversation that will hopefully lead to an opportunity to add to the gorgeous work our volunteers have set forth.

The area is now so vibrant with color and life that it has already brightened the days of nearby resident Harriet Harper, who came out to help. Many thanks to all who came out to work with us.

If you would like to join in, please contact me to see how we can make that happen.

Ronald Rice, NNW Community Builder

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