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NNW Stakeholder Spotlight: DipIN CHWs

Evelyn Blunt

Meet Your New DipIN Neighborhood Community Health Workers, by Ron Rice

DipIn (Diabetes Impact Project-Indianapolis) has been making waves these last 6

years in creating programs and events accessible to the community to

change the way we approach health. 

From Hip Hop classes to boot camps, community dinners to bike riding, the list goes on and on. All decisions are RESIDENT driven and RESIDENT chosen! Supported by the Fairbanks School of Public Health. Our mission is to find ways to connect the resources, programs, and

information to keep folks healthier, and we have brand new Community Health

Workers (C.H.W.s) to assist us in those goals.

Maya Hadia Marche

Maya Simone has been working in the N.N.W. for several years now with

Groundwork Indy and also at the Ujamaa bookstore. She also creates, assists, and participates in arts and healing projects. Her love of parks and people led her to this position, bringing a lot of excitement at seeing where she will take our projects! 

Welcome aboard, Maya!

Marche Sherlock, a resident of the N.N.W., is a marketing specialist. Living as a Type 1 diabetic, she has a passion for helping others become aware of the services and opportunities available to them. Armed with a contagious excitement, she is becoming addicted to those around her. I am sure you will love talking with her as much as we do. Marche, welcome to the team!

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