Welcome to our 3rd annual DipIN-sponsored Sunday Supper Series! Aspirehouse Indy and the NW Landings neighborhood association residents welcome you to dine with us again at the corner of Udell and Radar St. for an evening of good food, good neighbors, and good times.
We started this year in June with a Taste of Tuscan, an international flavor sampling a little more in-depth than just your traditional Italian cuisine. With a focus on the many ways olive oil can be used with everything from bread to meats to SODA. Yup, you heard right, and of course in desserts! Our residents in attendance got a blessing of tastes they didn’t think were even available to them. All these items could be found at their local grocery.
Again, good times, good music, and company came into the NNW! We look forward to serving YOU in 2023. Check out our schedule and save a seat for you and anyone you want to invite. Sunday Suppers is another free DipIN program to serve our residents and get them, particularly our senior residents, back out into the community, fellowshipping with each other again.
We look forward to seeing you all soon and bring your appetite!
Contact for reservations at (317)414-7778 or aspirehouse02@gmail.com
By: The Editor