Juneteenth proved again to be another crowning achievement for Flanner House and the NNW community! If you take just a short drive down Montcalm St. to Twenty-first St., you will see two beautiful greenhouse structures at the corner, a development by the Flanner Farms division of Flanner House of Indianapolis.
Built on land donated by Flanner Buchanan, having a long history of giving to Flanner House and the community, the greenhouses will be extensions of the work already being done at The Flanner Farms located at 2424 Doctor M.L.K. Jr St, Indianapolis, IN 46208.
With this expansion, food can be grown 365 days a year! This strategy, led by Flanner House’s Executive Director, Brandon Cosby, is for the ability to create our conditions of being self-sustainable and self-empowering.
Since the start of his leadership of Flanner House, Brandon Cosby has sought to open yet another method of continuing his philosophy every Juneteenth. It began with the Child Development Center, Flanner Farms, Cleo’s Bodega and Café, the newly built Greenhouses, and soon our own Mental Health Center, each creating conditions and opportunities to empower the community further.
Several Neighbors and Community Citizens came out to the ribbon-cutting ceremony to get an opportunity to see the new Greenhouses firsthand. Flanner House chair Deborah Lawrence, City Council President Vop Osili, Flanner Buchanan CEO Bruce Buchanan, and DMD (Dept of Metropolitan Development) gave words of empowerment and encouragement. Our Neighbors and Community Citizens were given a tour and the opportunity to purchase new plants and have fellowship with each other…, It was a good day in the NNW.
Submitted by: Ron Rice, Community Builder